Belam-Rīga offers technologies to optimize workflows in hotels and solve urgent problems. Our qualified specialists will select the optimal solution and adapt it to the specifics of the customer’s work. Throughout the existence of our company, the hotel sector has been one of our priorities, which allowed us to become one of the most qualified companies in setting up telecommunications solutions and security systems in hotels.
Our product portfolio features solutions that allow the customer to:
Ensure a high level of security at the hotel premises;
Upgrade hotel hardware;
Obtain automatically adapted multimedia content;
Provide high-performance wireless Internet access;
Equip the hotel premises and the adjoining areas with modern information systems;
Optimize the cost of communications within the organization and with external subscribers;
Automate workflows;
Improve the customer service quality;
Increase the services availability;
Belam-Rīga provides a full range of services, from finding a solution to the critical task to 24/7 technical support.